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In her MasterClass, Annie Leibovitz mentioned that personal work allows photographers to experiment with new ideas without the pressure of a client or deadline. She highlights the importance of being passionate about the subjects you photograph and how this passion can translate into powerful images. I have never graduated from this phase of photography. It’s probably why I will never be a professional. Photography, for me, is a gift of curiosity and love. Let me show you an image of how I see you. I make a calendar of pictures I took the previous year for my mom. She hangs the calendar on the front door so if you walk into her home, you see these slides from her life, home, and travels, but mostly, they are pictures of her three grandchildren: Dave and my two sons, Sam & Cal; and my brother Scott’s son, Enzo. We are a family besotted with our next generation.
“The camera makes you forget you’re there. It’s not like you are hiding, but you forget; you are just looking so much.” – Annie Leibovitz
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