The Art of the Thank You Note: A Postcard Portfolio

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new Separator

Sam is off to college, and I sent him a stack of pre-stamped, pre-addressed postcards to fill out and send to those who gave him gifts for his high school graduation 🎓. He has yet to write them. Graduation must feel like a distant memory now. Still, I nag.

This morning, he sent me proof that he applied to vote in the upcoming election—his first one, and such a big one. I couldn’t help but seize the moment to harangue him about those thank-you notes again.

My friends Shannon (who has sent me the wittiest one throughout our long friendship) and Jane Fonda taught me at a young age the value of the thank you note, which I have instilled in my children. I love them so much that I use my photography (and restored family photos) to make postcards (I wait for sales on to print them on their printfinity option). I think of the postcards as souvenirs from every day. Moments of gratitude are captured and shared. Cal’s birth mom has received so many that she calls it “Cal-Mail.”

Sam’s Response to My Nagging:

Mom you’re saying this as I’m in class actively how am I supposed to be an intellectual who reads great sonnets and write thank you cards

An Inspiration for Dahl’s classic the BFG

Dear Amy,
I must write a special letter and thank you for the dream in the bottle. You are the first person in the world who has sent me one of these and it intrigued me very much. I also liked the dream. Tonight I shall go down to the village and blow it through the bedroom window of some sleeping child and see if it works.
With love from,
(Signed) Roald Dahl

Presidential Gratitude

Mr. Martel,
My daughter and I just finished reading Life of Pi together. Both of us agreed we prefer the story with animals. It is a lovely book—an elegant proof of God, and the power of storytelling.
Thank you. (Signed) Barack Obama

Clyde of Bonnie and Clyde to a Fascist

Dear Sir:
While I still have got breath in my lungs I will tell you what a dandy car you make. I have drove Fords exclusivly when I could get away with one. For sustained speed and freedom from trouble the Ford has got ever other car skinned and even if my business hasen’t been strickly legal it don’t hurt enything to tell you what a fine car you got in the V8.
Yours truly Clyde Champion Barrow

From Elizabeth Taylor to Andy Warhol

Dearest Andy,
I’m so proud I finally have your Liz and thank you for signing it so sweetly to me. I do love you.
Elizabeth or Liz (of A.W.’s fame)

The Text from Me to My Son

To My Dear Son,
Sonnets, essays, stories, thank you, even voting is all writing. Letters of love and gratitude. Here is mine to you: Thank you for letting me be your mom and nag you to death.
Your Dear, Sweet, Thankful Ma

Return to Sender (response from Sam)

You’re Done.

I don’t mean to be more of a nudge to Sam—or to you, Dear Reader—but in this divisive time, there’s something powerful about sending out gratitude, whether it’s through a thoughtful postcard or by casting your vote in this historic election. Voting is, after all, another way of sending your gratitude and your thoughts and making a connection with others—each act delivered with intention, hoping to make a difference in our lives.

More Postcards from the Archives

  • My Parents and My kids
  • Carny and Fortune Teller
  • Baseball with the Neighbors
  • Canisius Grads with cigar
  • Michelle Darrow at my parent's wedding
  • Sam's Roomate's family
  • family reunion watersplash
  • Max Pasciak

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